Deadlift etiquette...

18 Oct 2002
(I've done a Google and a Forum search, but can't find anything definitive on lowering a deadlift).

In my normal gym, I deadlift for one set of 8 (i.e. this is not 1RM we're talking about). I do not lower the bar slowly, but nor do I drop it at any point. No one has ever commented on me being noisy / inconsiderate / using poor form. I'm of the opinion that dropping a DL from lockout could be viewed as inconsiderate / poor form / douchebag except in a serious gym with rubber floors and weights.

Recently, in both a silly hotel gym and also a pretty well equipped gym (I travel a lot), the PTs have told me to "be quiet" or "not to drop the bar". On both occasions, I had deliberately set up pads for the weights.

Luckily, I only do one working set, so by the time they tell me, I'm done anyway. :D

Thoughts / opinions on what is reasonable? (Obviously as the OP, I am adamant that I am 100% correct and reasonable and that anyone who disagrees that lowering the weight quickly is poor form is wrong...) ;)
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