Deadlight appears to be heading to PC.....sometime

8 Dec 2005

This is a superb looking vs zombies 2D old school platformer which launches on XBLA 1st Aug.

Its the only game studio Tequila Works are working on & as they recently got added to Steam registry you can only hopefully speculate that like so many other summer of arcade XBLA titles it will appear on PC within a few months even though MS Game Studios are publishing they are allowing several of their XBLA games to appear on PC eventually so like with Limbo (which leaked in a similar fashion this is looking good IMO for a PC release otherwise why would the developer bother getting added to Steam to work on a brand new as yet unannounced game which could be years away ;)).

This game is under 10 hours long according to the playtesters but the artwork is superb & its going to be only £9.99 like most digital titles.
Look forward to this one ;) just in time for Halloween its coming to Steam :D if you like the old school 2D platform games from the 16 bit era with zombies & linear but satisfying action with quite decent gfx then this is well worth buying even if it it quite short like Limbo whilst it lasts you will have a decent time & wonder how/why full price big budget games no longer leave you with the same feeling of enjoyment :rolleyes:
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Out this Thursday 25th Oct with minimal PR but some new screenies below this is looking good on PC (UT3 game engine title) but XBLA version had very shallow gameplay so buyer beware your getting a pretty 2D platform game vs zombies but minimal depth unfortunately & 4-6 hours to max all achvs/gameplay. Also no word on DRM is it GFWL or Steamworks or both as MS game Studios published on XBLA not sure if they are publishing on PC as well like they did with other recent XBLA to PC titles.

While it lasts those 4-6 hours your have a great time with it & wish it were twice as long but sadly it ends just as your expecting a lot more:( Look on the bright side though the experience is top notch & gfx wise one of the best 2D games ever made not quite as pretty as Trine 2 but not far away as its a different art style & decayed/destoyed american city landscape (think Fallout NV/3 in 2D in many places :D )
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Steam pre-order page is up now you save a little by pre-ordering still no word on DRM I suspect it uses GFWL as MS Game Studios are the publisher on Steam according to the store page I emailed the devs a few weeks ago to confirm the DRM scheme used but they never responded:

£8.49 or £10.19 if you want the game soundtrack edition.
Steamworks only using Steamcloud & Steam achievements they updated the store page overnight. Do not think MS are publishing on PC either regardless of the Steam store page info.
4.01GB after install Steamworks only. Few enhancements over the XBLA release & slightly better gfx very pretty 2D game after Trine 2 its the next best looker but very shallow so be aware before buying its not going to last very long gameplay wise perhaps 10 hours tops.

If you liked/loved platform classics like Impossible Mission/Flashback then this is that game in 2012 but now with zombie hordes ;)
4.01GB after install Steamworks only. Few enhancements over the XBLA release & slightly better gfx very pretty 2D game after Trine 2 its the next best looker but very shallow so be aware before buying its not going to last very long gameplay wise perhaps 10 hours tops.

If you liked/loved platform classics like Impossible Mission/Flashback then this is that game in 2012 but now with zombie hordes ;)

10 hours for £8, what more do you want? :D

Very, very similar to Shadow Complex, which was an incredible game.
wow this game is cool, it's like another world but with zombies!

What I don't like is my gpu capacitor sounds like crickets and it's FPS locked to 30 :(
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