
6 Feb 2006
Anyone here seen it before? Got a loan of the first series and watched two episodes so far, seems quite slow at the moment. Just wondering what peoples opinions on it are, is it worth watching?
A lad at work really enjoyed it :)

I generally don't believe him when he says films and such are good though. I tend to avoid films he recommends :p
It's quite good, but no more than that and the language is pretty harsh, so don't watch it with your grandparents. ;)
I was really impressed with it, because it brought to Westerns a sense of grit and realism I always thought lacking in all but some of the spaghettis. Yet it doesn't do so in such a way as to make it seem tacky and/or verbally modern. Indeed, the use of language* in it is similarly impressive, and exactly how I imagine people spoke in that setting.

*All, not just the profane.
Deadly Ferret said:
I was really impressed with it, because it brought to Westerns a sense of grit and realism I always thought lacking in all but some of the spaghettis. Yet it doesn't do so in such a way as to make it seem tacky and/or verbally modern. Indeed, the use of language* in it is similarly impressive, and exactly how I imagine people spoke in that setting.

*All, not just the profane.
I'd agree, I read an interview a while back with one of the creators - he said that although people in those times wouldn't use exactly that language, they would have used similarly strong language for their times (which would seem tame to us if they spoke like that in Deadwood).
I really enjoyed it. I only started watching it because I'd read how good Ian McShane was in it, a definite departure from Lovejoy. The pace takes some getting used to, but I think it's right up there with The Sopranos and Band of Brothers.
Finished watching the first series the other night and starting on the second now, absolutely loving it. Took me a while to get into it, I think I was expecting an all action Cowboys and Indians sorta thing, but it really couldn’t be more different. Quite slow paced but some very interesting characters and plots that keep you hooked.

The dialogue between the characters is brilliant, especially between Al Swearengen and Seth Bullock, really funny in places too. Some of the best acting I have seen in a TV series.
Have just started watching the 2nd series and I have to say it's the best TV show in the history of TV. No joke. There are plenty of fantastic shows like Lost, 24, Buffy, X-Files (at first...), Sopranos, ER, House, etc, etc. And plenty of older shows that were classics as well. But Deadwood is just....special. The writing and acting are simply amazing.

I'm also annoyed because I went to the Black Hills a couple of years ago and could have actually visited Deadwood......but I didn't really care at the time :mad:
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