Deal or No Deal question

gf was on about this today its a £ sign? been quite a few things by all accounts. Hes on parkinson tonight so maybe he'll get asked.
I agree, quite entertaining.

This was in the Daily Mail the other day. Apparently it won't be revealed until the summer but has no relavence to the show.
It's to add another dimension with the enigma codes to the more involved audience, people always love noticing things and it generates gossip about the programme I guess.

I used to quite like the show but i read on some other forum the actual circumstances required for someone to get the quater million and its just silly. The show itself is good but Noel makes it out to be some kind of skill/mental challenge and goes on and on about peoples "tactics" when really its just random luck and thats it.. 90% of the people wont risk loosing sums of money around 40k+ for anything and so that makes going on and trying to get 250k very unlikely to happen. I never watch it now, watched it a bit for the first few weeks and now its a bit like who wants to be a millionaire, just repetative. I still cant beleive WWTBAM is still on tv tbh.
I watch parts of it because we've got a TV in our staff room and it comes on towards the end of our lunch. We noticed the cloud with rain the other day, we were most puzzled.

It's not gonna make me pay any more attention to his poxy show though. It's poo.
schnipps said:
I used to quite like the show but i read on some other forum the actual circumstances required for someone to get the quater million and its just silly. The show itself is good but Noel makes it out to be some kind of skill/mental challenge and goes on and on about peoples "tactics" when really its just random luck and thats it.. 90% of the people wont risk loosing sums of money around 40k+ for anything and so that makes going on and trying to get 250k very unlikely to happen. I never watch it now, watched it a bit for the first few weeks and now its a bit like who wants to be a millionaire, just repetative. I still cant beleive WWTBAM is still on tv tbh.

Surely its obvious that its all down to luck :confused:
Gilly said:
Why does anyone watch this garbage?

to watch how greedy people are and see the smug *******s lose everything :P

why else?

Prime example was recently where a woman turned down £14000 and ended up leaving with £1 because she blindly believed she could get more haha
there was one bloke who gave excellent advice all the way until he was in the chair, he said that he had a system and down to the last 2 boxes it was very good. he took an offer prior tho as it was more than enough to tempt him.

personally i like the show, its not based on skill or brains or anything. its pure random luck and 1 person deciding wether to play or not :]
Gilly said:
Why does anyone watch this garbage?

I must be the only person who doesn't know whats going on.
The three females watch it and they start trying to explain it to me and then I tell them to shut up.
"Does it involve skill?", I ask
"Well whats the point?".

RandomTom said:
It's to add another dimension with the enigma codes to the more involved audience, people always love noticing things and it generates gossip about the programme I guess.


So theres a conspiracy?
I luvs conspiracies me do.
Gilly said:
Why does anyone watch this garbage?

Why not, we are all going to die might aswell look at noel edmonds for abit...

I dont watch it though what do they have to do?
Basher said:
Surely its obvious that its all down to luck :confused:

Noel doesnt seem to think so when you watch it, unless its changes in the last 3 weeks. But when i watched it he made a huge deal about the players tactics and skill. It just an utter farce.
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