Dear Esther - landmark edition now on Steam

8 Dec 2005
Free if you already own Dear Esther in your Steam Library :D

Well done the developers the landmark edition is a big upgrade. its now running on Unity 5 & visually @ 4K looks superb. Close to the original source engine version but the textures look upgraded & there is a lot more physics enabled on all the foliage plus new atmospheric sound FX. Music also sounds a little different in places and I swear the narration is also new at times it seems like a slightly different voice over from the same actor as the original.

Overall a superb remaster in Unity 5 & 100% free if you already own in your Steam library otherwise £7.99 on Steam to buy as a standalone. Very generous of the developers to make it free its a familiar but also new experience for the original classic source engine version they could have easily charged a small amount of money for existing owners so well done to The Chinese Room for making it a free upgrade for existing owners :)
Something about this game/story has made me play through loads. No real idea why but awesome news to see it get upgraded. Cheers for the heads up or it would have slipped by :)
Well worth buying if you do not already own as well ;) The porting to Unity 5 makes it look superb at times almost like a recent PC game & its sharp looking & ultra smooth @ 4K with a GTX 1080 :D Chapter 2 especially :eek:
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