Dear God!....Why NOT To Buy Organic Veg

Man of Honour
29 Jun 2004

Watch that video

Sorry if this is a repost, had a search, but didnt see anything

And to think that was actually deadly serious as trying to get the importance of organic food across

They even wanted to get it on tv, but thought that people wouldnt take them seriously

i wonder why

loopstah said:
HAHA! That's actually funny in a why did I laugh kind of way.

i laughed, then i went insane due to the phsycological damage caused when i tried to examine why i laughed, i ended up stuck in a never ending circle of

but why did i laugh? ----> because it was funny ----> but why was it funny----> because i laughed---->but why did i laugh? ----> because it was funny ----> but why was it funny----> because i laughed---->but why did i laugh? ----> because it was funny ----> but why was it funny----> because i laughed---->but why did i laugh? ----> because it was funny ----> but why was it funny----> because i laughed---->but why did i laugh? ----> because it was funny ----> but why was it funny----> because i laughed---->why did i laugh? ----> because it was funny ----> but why was it funny----> because i laughed----> *brain death"
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