Debian or arch for my netbook?

7 Jan 2007
Sussex, UK
Hiya me again!!

I bought a Toshiba NB100 netbook last month and have had a play with Slackware, it seems rather bloated to me and with no package manager I was a bit lost.

I did have one success though! My wireless card, under ubuntu it just works but every other OS it doesn't I found a fix though and it scanned for connects thorugh terminal, but I couldn't work out how to install WICD in slackware.

I also don't have much time to fiddle with it. Arch is lightning quick but I had issues with wireless, which I think I can now resolve! Should I try arch again?

What about debian? I could do a net install and only install what I want, keeping it quick and bloat free.

Any other suggestions?
I started using linux in 2004 and as you have all noticed, used dozens of distro's now, the trouble is I switch so much I don't use my comp/laptop/netbook for much else lol.

Arch tought me shed loads in 2006, but I'm alwaqys scared of breaking it, simply because it takes hours to re-install.

Debian I love on my server, it's so stable and standard.

I did install arch on my netbook and it was the quickest distro to date on it, I just couldn't get wireless working, now I had a breakthrough on slackware I can use the same technique on arch.

hhhmmmm still thinking debian or arch.

I do have time for gentoo at xmas, going to take a week off studying. The trouble is I don't want it to break. How fast is a debian netinstall comapred to arch?

I may install ubuntu on it just to steal the xorg.conf as it handled my laptop trackpad thingy very well.
Arch maybe ok, all I want is pidgin, firefox, and an e-mail client installed and openoffice for very light work (basically checking work at uni)

So it shouldn't break much with basic gnome installed and a couple of programs??
I'm downloading sudx XKCE now, I think i'll use openbox as the window manager. Arch linux + Gnome + openbox WM was really quick to!

Sidux + Openbox WM might be the easy way! Will report back with finding soon! :p
I have tried openbox before and its awesome, but needs a few hours to tweak the desktop, time I simply don't have this year :p

XFCE +OB WM is my quick fix :p
Your config files are all xml and located in: ~/.config/openbox

You can manually edit them (as I was doing to start with - I came over to openbox from Flux), or you can download obmenu and obconf, then play away :)

You'll probably want a system tray and a task bar... there are HEAPS to choose from, but I use tint2 and trayer (although, the OSX style one is very popular as well, can't remember what it's called).

you'll also probably want a ~/.config/openbox/ as well...

I can post up my configs for these later, if you want something to start on.

post erm up m8, I may soley use openbox!!!!!
also from my last adventure with openbox you can setup keybinds to launch apps. It's awesome but just takes ages to setup :p

I am going to have to get in the habit of backing up configs :(
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