Debloating Windows 11

12 Dec 2006
I don't have W11 on my main computers. But I have it on an old laptop to play with. But last install felt sluggish. CPU seemed to be always at 40-60% even at idle. Fan always on, battery struggling. Just ran a debloating app, and it's down to idling at 1-2%. What a difference. Every 5 mins or so it spins back up to 30% then goes back to 1-2%.

What on earth is going on. If this normal with your W11 installs?
This is fresh install of windows no OEM or 3rd party software. Hate indexing. Usually turn it off.

I was looking at task manager that's how I knew the % of the CPU that was being used...Just generic windows processes running. No idea what they are doing.
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I have a 2nd old machine desktop running stock Windows 11, and it doesn't have high idle cpu usage. Maybe it was some hardware on the laptop it didn't like.
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