Decent 3200 x 1200 wallpapers?

Sort of OT, but how can i stretch one image over both monitors, while still using the dual view (So that windows knows theres 2 monitors and doesn't maximize applications to both windows)???
Chronicle said:
Sort of OT, but how can i stretch one image over both monitors, while still using the dual view (So that windows knows theres 2 monitors and doesn't maximize applications to both windows)???
If you split the image in half using a graphics program then set one half as the wallpaper.
Then click the customize desktop button, go on the web tab and add your other half of the wallpaper to list. You can then maximise this to one screen, giving the appearance of a spanning wallpaper.

Sorry if this is a bit vague, I had a link somewhere but I can't find it :(
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