decent firewall

ZoneAlarm will do you as far as a software firewall goes.

However a router should contain a hardware firewall as well which will help too.
I have just gone back to using Kerio, after using Windows XP FW, I just feel more comfortable knowing what is trying to connect. No problems so far, all stealthed and low resources. Juts the ticket.

It is very cheap as well, just £8 or something as Sunbelt are doing a special offer from the mormal $19.95 with a voucher. Exceptional value for money. :)
AJUK said:
I have just gone back to using Kerio, after using Windows XP FW, I just feel more comfortable knowing what is trying to connect. No problems so far, all stealthed and low resources. Juts the ticket.

It is very cheap as well, just £8 or something as Sunbelt are doing a special offer from the mormal $19.95 with a voucher. Exceptional value for money. :)
Exactly, every application that makes a connection in or out pops up and is show, the same goes for one application running another one like a trojan might.
There is the option to always disable notifications for applications if you know that it's going to be safe (Firefox, googlewebaccelerator etc)

I find it a fantastic tool, nothing seems to slip past it :)

And as AJUK says, £8 is a mighty good price too :D
You should be fine with a HardWare Firewall.

But if you insist on a software firewall i would go for ZoneAlarm.

Nice & Free
I am supprised no one has said sygate firewall yet! I have been using this now for the best part of 3 years and had no problems at all. Well worth the money. Its a fantastic prog and works great. I am so happy with it that i put it on all the pc's i end up building for friends and relatives and no one has said they dont like it or that it doesnt do a good job.

You can get a free trial version to try. You should deffinatly have a look. Id give it 5 out of 5!
Pyrosoft said:
I like Kerio myself, does a superb job.

Another vote for Kerio. I don't like those popup windows so I have 4 deny Xs for Any other Application and I enable on an individual basis.
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