decent setup

11 Jan 2011
south tyneside
Can you guys recommend me a good setup?
up to £1500 budget

sound card headphone

70% gaming 30% music/movies

i,m sick of wasting money on buying what i think are decent and just dont do it for me
rather just splash out with a good system
currently using the steelseries 840 (which i thought where going be great)

thank you
If you are going to spend a bit of money - my personal recommendation would be don't spend anything like £1500 - Creative Sound BlasterX AE-5 and Antlion Modmic then you are probably going to have to try some headphones find something that works for you TBH - Fidelio X2, AKG k701 or Sony MDR-V6 (or whatever latest version of those are).

I don't have much experience with the Sennheiser HD5xx series but they can be a good choice for mixed gaming and music needs - I also quite like the Sennheiser HD-25 for gaming but the sound signature and on-ear design might not suit everyone.

If you want to splash a bit more money :D some of these won't be bad for gaming and decent for music - but again what works for other people might not work for you when it comes to headphones.
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Sound BlasterX AE-5 which has top level DAC and headphone output good for pretty much any headphone.

If having quiet environment then open headphones are better.
For maximal details like foot steps AKG K701/K702 is at absolute top level.
That with binaural sound is at level from which next step would be pretty much on screen map showing locations of sound sources.

If you want some above neutral bass immersion/presence then AKG K712 would be good.
At expense of foot steps and such details being little harder to distinguish, if there are simultaneous lower frequency sounds.
Beyerdynamic DT990 and that Fidelio would be with little smaller sound stage and more bass feel, with further little bit less details.

If needing Microphone ModMic is the easiest.
OcUK just doesn't have bundle in stock:
Anyway you can fit separate AKG K702 and ModMic easily to £200

If having noisy environment and needing sound isolation of closed design that's setback for details.
With most closed stuff being not that great for binaural sound.
But there are also some decent ones.
Actually if able to finding it from from web first generation Beyerdynamic MMX300 headsets might be gotten for some £100.

You can then put that other £1000+some into savings.
Gaming brand stuff is just simply extremely overpriced for lack of quality.
30-40 €/£ Superluxes would likely beat most of them by huge margin.

If wireless is mandatory then I would be looking at Sennheiser RS-serie.
If having noisy environment and needing sound isolation of closed design that's setback for details.
With most closed stuff being not that great for binaural sound.
But there are also some decent ones.
Actually if able to finding it from from web first generation Beyerdynamic MMX300 headsets might be gotten for some £100.

Supposedly the Sony MDR-Z7 are decent here but I've not tried them for myself yet.
Supposedly the Sony MDR-Z7 are decent here but I've not tried them for myself yet.
Should really save some of those binaural game sound clips to USB-memory and visit audio shops.

Just don't visit often in any bigger cities with those shops.
And that big city traffic (and Helsinki is rather small city by standards of most countries) makes for awful waste of time when trying to fit visits to different places into one day.
Got a pretty decent indy audio place locally but sadly they tend to focus these days on loudspeakers and home cinema setups and headphone selection quite limited.

EDIT: Just checking they currently have the whole Audeze LCD lineup though so might have to pop down.
great replies guys thanks
open back is really what i,m after

Sennheiser HD800
Creative Sound BlasterX AE-5
Antlion Modmic

will that work well together...a trip to RS to demo may be worth while i think
Well on the plus side the AE-5 pairs up the same series of DAC (ES9016 versus ES9018 though I believe) and amp approach (though there are differences) as the HDVD800 amp that Sennheiser recommends paired up with the HD800.

While I've tried the 800 (non-S) I don't own a pair and while I own the AE-5 I've never had a chance to test that pair in combination - going on memory they should be a good match in terms of expansive sound (good for gaming) but for more extended music use you might find you want an external amp in the picture to take some of the coldness off the signature (subject to taste) with the level of detail involved I find I don't mind the sound signature of the AE-5 as much as in other devices which have a colder/brittle sound - or the S version with their reputed slightly warmer sound might work well here.
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I'm using an Astro A50 headset with the AE-5. Wireless, with a charging cradle and works with the PC and Xbox (there is a PS4 version too). These are really comfortable; I can game for hours and get no discomfort with my ears. I think the sound and mic quality are pretty good with this combination.
will that work well together...a trip to RS to demo may be worth while i think
Binaural sound has specific and lot harsher than any stereo music requirements.
Testing with stereo music doesn't tell really anything about gaming fitness.

Once had chance to test these gaming garbages:
With stereo music impression wasn't that bad, with them giving lots of agressive "first row in front of speakers" feel.
But binaural sound...
Dialogue in movies felt vague like if recorded with some darn potato in place of mic.
And game sound was like "head in bucket under water".
Directionality wasn't that great and there just wasn't any feel of distance.
Everything was just next to ear and other sounds were just more muffled than others.
Hadn't even known that bad sound could exist!

And even best music headphones aren't necessarily good for gaming.
Binaural sound doesn't like any kind smooth "musicality" or more "intimate" sound, but wants analytical "colder" sound.
Because of that very famous for music HD650 Sennheiser falls short of Beyer DT990 in binaural sound.
So hard to say if HD800 gives anything near its price worth in gaming.
That drop after 1 kHz might not be best thing, when you compare to K702 or even DT990 Beyer[]=863&graphID[]=2621&graphID[]=2141&scale=30

So you would need to save some binaural game sound clips to USB stick to use as test material.
For example can strip sound stream of Youtube video for you to save.

First minute of this is very good quick test for binaural sound stage with gun shots at different directions and distances:
This is long gameplay so would require cutting best parts:
Or starting from this:
(early video is Razer Surround which doesn't sound of much anything but some downmixing, crossfeed+equalizer)

AKG K702 does extreme job in those because of neutral bass and that analyzing sound not smoothing anything.
While offering more feel of bass K712 just can't match it in details falling step behind.
I have all three K702, K712 and DT990 and have done side by side comparison two at time.
Though don't know how much bass neutralizing equalizer could improve K712 in details.
Can't apply that to just one headphone when splitting one signal for two Objective2s driving headphones.

Recently though I have been considering HD660S, supposedly sublime for gaming, check out Z reviews as he also games with them;
Stereo signal isn't good for testing real gaming fitness.
In fact it forgives/hides lots of deficiencies and purposed smoothing of sound detrimental for binaural sound.
This headset may well be worth waiting for, nothing else like them bringing some new features to gaming headsets.

Getting great reviews on Headfi, but won’t be available until July earliest. Can be used wired or wireless.


Planars might be better for music than binaural sound.
Mad Lust Envy reviewed some planars years ago and for example compared to amount of hype for their performance in music Hifimans got rather mediocre results.
And closed design of this Mobius certainly doesn't help.
Though no doubt they'll do magnificent bass, planar drivers can do excellent bass even in open design.

And talking about long term comfort, when design is closed and pads leather/pleather...
Works well in ear muffs not!
Besides sound closed design also insulates heat more and when pad material doesn't let air through that's further heat insulation increasing sweating risk.
So I'll call marketroid's BS on that enhanced comfort.

Overal looks really lot like attempt to cash in on gaming product fad with lots of gimmicks and hype:

That wireles part?
10 hour battery life is plain bad when we have Sennheiser RSes doing 20 with lower (than Li-Ion) energy density NiMHs.
Nothing even about battery and its replaceability > Likely not user replaceable.
And range isn't mentioned likely for good reason:
With Bluetooth it's going to be not great even without obstacles.
And wanting to go to other room while listening music? Pretty sure big no unless walls are cardboard thin.
Bluetooth was simply designed for short range, minimal obstructions in between data transfer.
(and all that is extra cost eating away budget)

Head tracking?
In non-VR gaming you want sounds to be positioned basing to direction what you're looking at in game.
I mean why would you want to be not looking where you're aiming?
Whole point of binaural sound is being able to better locate enemy and be ready to shoot faster when enemy comes visible from behind cover.
And in case of VR stuff you already have head tracking.
So useless budget wasting checkbox list/hype feature.
(and they're not aiming for low profit margin)

Room emulation?
That's precisely what hinders Dolby Headphone making it average with sound like in public bath!
Game sound engines already add echoes of game environment into sound.

And for the hype Waves NX doesn't seem to be able to do that great job.
That first 15 seconds makes AKGs feel like standard small sound stage headphones:
And this fails even more in creating sense of distance with in ear/directly in front of ear sound:

Compared to standard gaming garbages those are no doubt great, but have zero trust for them being comparable to really good open headphones like AKGs.
Re sound card, what about the Asus Essence STX II?

I presume people are recommending the Sound Blaster X AE-5 as it has better game support over the Essence STX.

I don't own either an STX II or AE-5, however do own both a Creative Titanium HD and an Asus ST, I have tested them back to back and can confirm the Asus ST has better quality for music playback, it's more natural, more honest sound from the Asus ST. So unless the Soundblaster AE-5 is better then the Titanium HD (unlikely) then any of the Asus ST/STX's will be better in terms of DAC output.

Above all becomes irrelevant if you want the game hardware of the Creative, however if you want better DAC quality I expect the Asus would be the best choice.
They've done a pretty good job with the DAC on the AE-5 to be fair - definitely one of the better implementations I've heard of the ESS line - its a touch cold and brittle (which actually is an advantage for gaming as it seems to have good synergy with the surround system used and helps to make it easy to pick out sounds positionally) but plenty of detail, resolution and soundstage - even without any processing it has an "expansiveness" to the sound which is nice even though its a bit lacking in "musicality".

It is definitely up there with the better offerings though some might need to feed it through an external amp to make the sound signature a bit warmer or whatever to taste.
The AE-5 is better than both those cards. There is also a high end version of the AE-5 coming. I went from a ZxR with custom opamps to the AE-5 and its better in every way.

I never realised this, I just assumed the Asus Essence range still had the best DAC's. I did just do a quick google, and the AE-5 shares it's DAC with Pioneer high end digital receivers.
I would not spend too much time contemplating DAC chips, it is the amplification that makes more difference in my opinion.

My DAC has a Cirrus Logic CS4398, the flagship DAC chip they made in 2014. You can buy them for $11. Most of the cost has gone into the amplification. My unit will set you back £489.
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