This headset may well be worth waiting for, nothing else like them bringing some new features to gaming headsets.
Getting great reviews on Headfi, but won’t be available until July earliest. Can be used wired or wireless.
Planars might be better for music than binaural sound.
Mad Lust Envy reviewed some planars years ago and for example compared to amount of hype for their performance in music Hifimans got rather mediocre results.
And closed design of this Mobius certainly doesn't help.
Though no doubt they'll do magnificent bass, planar drivers can do excellent bass even in open design.
And talking about long term comfort, when design is closed and pads leather/pleather...
Works well in ear muffs not!
Besides sound closed design also insulates heat more and when pad material doesn't let air through that's further heat insulation increasing sweating risk.
So I'll call marketroid's BS on that enhanced comfort.
Overal looks really lot like attempt to cash in on gaming product fad with lots of gimmicks and hype:
That wireles part?
10 hour battery life is plain bad when we have Sennheiser RSes doing 20 with lower (than Li-Ion) energy density NiMHs.
Nothing even about battery and its replaceability > Likely not user replaceable.
And range isn't mentioned likely for good reason:
With Bluetooth it's going to be not great even without obstacles.
And wanting to go to other room while listening music? Pretty sure big no unless walls are cardboard thin.
Bluetooth was simply designed for short range, minimal obstructions in between data transfer.
(and all that is extra cost eating away budget)
Head tracking?
In non-VR gaming you want sounds to be positioned basing to direction what you're looking at in game.
I mean why would you want to be not looking where you're aiming?
Whole point of binaural sound is being able to better locate enemy and be ready to shoot faster when enemy comes visible from behind cover.
And in case of VR stuff you already have head tracking.
So useless budget wasting checkbox list/hype feature.
(and they're not aiming for low profit margin)
Room emulation?
That's precisely what hinders Dolby Headphone making it average with sound like in public bath!
Game sound engines already add echoes of game environment into sound.
And for the hype Waves NX doesn't seem to be able to do that great job.
That first 15 seconds makes AKGs feel like standard small sound stage headphones:
And this fails even more in creating sense of distance with in ear/directly in front of ear sound:
Compared to standard gaming garbages those are no doubt great, but have zero trust for them being comparable to really good open headphones like AKGs.