Decent sounds card?

6 Mar 2004
North Wales (Flintshire)
Right well just hooked my pc through my amp/receiver
I mus tsay the sound aint the best well its very good but i seem to have lost any bass
Think its due to the amp relyin on the pc to decode and i have no settings for bass and that on the sound

SO im looking at getting a pci sound card thats not too heavy on the pocket

nyone suggest anything decent??

When you say digital do you mean Optical out??

If so then yes i do
Im connecting my pc up through the 6 channel on the amp
Yeh sorry im running it out of the 5.1/6 channel from my pc (which i presume) decodes and the amp just plays whats input so im not really using digital am i??

So your saying i would be better using an optical cable for this??
Right ok well i was thinking about going that way anywayso i think you have made my mind up thanks

Also just a quick question im thinking of getting a new mobo soon soundwise what do i look for on it ?
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