Decent: Underground kickstarter (ex star citizen devs)

24 Oct 2005
North East
Descent: Underground kickstarter (ex star citizen devs)

Saw this pop up yesterday and looked for a topic here but none found. Its being made by that eric peterson guy that used to do videos for star citizen and a few other of their devs. Surprised they left star citizen tbh. Decent i never played but sounded fun. Tbh i wish they did a freespace come back instead if they could have got the rights to it but ah well.

Descent’s fast-paced, six-degrees-of-freedom combat made addicts of us all! Descent’s frenetic and pulse-pounding action were light-years ahead of its 1995 release date. Like us, many of you still share war stories of your epic network battles. You remember your heroic shots, your death-defying maneuvers, and matches ending with a narrow escape as the tunnel collapsed behind you.

Sadly, as consoles took over and PC games were pushed aside by publishers, great games like Descent were left to languish in obscurity. A whole generation of gamers grew up without Descent’s heart-pounding, non-stop action, robbed of the true 6DoF space adventure that is their birthright!

The Drought Ends TODAY!

We’re bringing back 6DoF by blasting Descent into the 21st Century with current-generation gaming technology. Descent: Underground is more than a graphics upgrade. Get ready for multiple types of customizable ships! Prepare for upgradable weapons and sensors with richly-detailed tech trees. Brace yourself for destructible voxel maps with new power-ups and mod tools to make your own maps and more!
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Jesus, the first game I played when I got a 3D accelerator card! Will keep an eye on this.

Sadly, as consoles took over and PC games were pushed aside by publishers, great games like Descent were left to languish in obscurity.

Lol sound more bitter. What really happened was they made a few sequels and had nowhere else to take the series really.
Glad someone posted about this.

I've backed for what it's worth. I enjoyed descent back in the day, but more than that I really like Eric, Rob and Michael. SC wouldn't be where it is today without them (plus they seem like a nice bunch).
Ooo another old game getting a remake hope they make a good effort.

I Remember upgrading my GPU just after this and it came bundled with a game called Forsaken to show off the shiny Directx features that Microsoft
were pushing out at the time.

Will be keeping an eye on this.
Is this the in thing now? Instead of using a bit of creativity and coming up with some new IP's. Everyone seems to be re-doing old games as its cheap and nostalgia will pay their bills.
Big fan of the original series had so much fun as a kid playing them, Descent was awesome cant wait to see what they will do.

Really miss that era of gaming so much good stuff coming out at the time, i don't see a problem with reusing old ideas as long as its done well, i for one am sick of console based games which are slow, boring and way to much hand holding because they have to appeal to the mainstream.
I completely missed this as I am so distracted by boardgame KS stuff at the mo. Descent is one of many games that I played instead of sleeping when I was younger. Definitely worth risking $30 on.
Not a fan of kickstarter but I loved descent. Was up there with the greats of the time like doom and tie fighter IMO. One of the first action games to give a genuine feeling of 6 degrees of freedom and the claustrophobic corridors frequently made it hard to get your bearings.

THere's nothing quite like it out just now, as far as I know, so it would certainly be novel rather than a remake for the sake of it.
Thread title needs fixing :p

Loved the original, was one of the first games I ever played on a PC I think. Single player doesn't look to be one of their priorities which is a bit of a shame.
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