Decently Priced Modular PSU?

19 Nov 2011
Hey up,

Wondering what there is in terms of a low(ish) wattage PSU that is also modular? Needs to power a 970 (or maybe a 290) along side a 4690k with a mild overclock.

550w will do for the 970 right? Would potentially need more for the 290? Won't be any SLI/Crossfire going on down the line (mini itx build).

Need it to be modular, as I can't stand all the extra wires you get. Only one thats sub £80 is a corsair CM one, but wouldn't mind something slight better.

Why? It's out of stock and he doesn't need anywhere near that much power. The pc in my siggy only pulls 420w from the wall while gaming and a max of 452w if I load the cpu and gpu to 100% at the same time.

I posted at the same time as you so my "I'd stretch to" was not intended as a comment on your recommendation, sorry it appeared so. :)

He doesn't need that much power, no, but with £80 to spend... it has a 10 year warranty, it'd see him through his next build as well - that's why I bought the 850 version!! ;)
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