I know Im digging up an old thread - but Id like an answer too...
ants83 - what sis you decide on in the end?
Ive got a PS3 coming soon so need to connect that, a PS2, VM V Box, HDTV (which will be the monitor for all) and PC...
I was thinking:
PS3 and PS2 via Optical
VM V Box will be connected to HDTV which will be connected to speakers via Digi Coax
PC via Analogue
Is that over board? Do I need seperate audio connections to the devices if Im connection the HDTV to the speakers anyway? Want to ensure I get the best quality sound possible to make use of the 5.1 system...
Whats the best connection for the Prelude to Speakers? I first thought digital, but with the superior DACS I thought Analogue would be better...
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