Deciding between iPhone - £35 p/month contract or PAYG

23 Nov 2004
Been adding up the figures and whilst PAYG works out cheaper, there's not as many benefits.
Does the PAYG tariff include the unlimited bundle, as I couldn't find anything about it on the O2 website?
The £35 a month tariff looks good but the £99 initial buy in cost puts me off :(
Would it be likely that O2 do any offers after christmas in the sales?
And is there a new iPhone model due out soon?
Sorry for the numerous questions!
I was looking at favourite places, but it said something like 'to uk landlines from any one postcode' - what does that mean?
Ah that's a nasty little catch! But with the 1000 mins to o2 numbers, can that be from anywhere?
Yeh but I was wanting opinion on tariff details.. O forget it I'm really not in the mood to argue!
Yeh those are the figures I came out with, think it worked out at about £600 for PAYG and £15 a month top up over 18 months.
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