Deciding on whether or not to get a bike in the summer...

23 Dec 2010
Hey guys,

I am 19 and I don't have any 'true' means of getting around.

Getting a little annoyed that I can't actually go anywhere unless I bus or go with someone else, I want that bit of independence.

The problem is, is that I don't trust myself with a car.

However with a motorbike the responsibility is still there, but there's less of a chance of hitting anyone.

Anyway, time for the question.

Should I get a 125cc over the summer after passing a CBT?

I'm a pretty big guy, 6'1" and around 110-120kg in weight, would a 125cc be able to take me from home to Aberystwyth via the B-roads once a month? (Around 105 miles, or 210 miles round trip)


I could drive a car, but I think I'll be less of a danger if I'm on a motorbike.

That aside, with me being 17stone on a 125 - will that kill the engine?
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