Decisions decisions....buying a new lid !

6 May 2006
Rowley Regis, West Midlands
Had part of my helmet fall away today on way to work, a thin plastic strip that seems to just be an air/wind seal for the visor when it's down (it runs along the width at the top of the visor when it is closed) so i am looking to buy a new one...and this is where you guys may come in ;)

My local J&S, (yes...I am aware I have posted I would never go there again :p ) has a sale on a fair few helmets at the moment and I like the look of the following two :

Dainese Performance

and the

AGV stealth SV track

I like the looks/scheme of the Dainese and also the added nose guard....but I currently have an internal sun visor, which I do use, which the Dainese does not have and this is putting me off a little.

However the AGV Stealth SV Track does have one and to be honest is also a nice looking helmet with the added rear wind deflector.

They are both £250 helmets, with decent reductions at present. I have read a few reviews, the Dainese seems a little thin on the ground in this area and some folk comment on the AGV being rather noisy but these reviews, I think, are oldish ones and I believe they could be related to the slightly older AGV Stealth SV (non track), as I read that AGV were aware they could be a little noisy back in late 2010 and were looking into the design.

So my question today is has anybody any experience of either of these exact models, or maybe their predecessors ? or maybe just chip in with your thoughts/observations....the stage is your's guys :)

Thanks for your time folks..I shall stop wittering on now ;)
Cheers guys......was gonna head over the weekend and try them on, hell they may not even have the stock at my local just my luck.
Update on this, popped in on Friday and tried a few on, even a few different ones too, finally decided to get the aforementioned AGV. Did close on 100 miles with it over the weekend and compared to my previous flipfronted one, its so much quieter and the vision from it gives me a wider viewable area...I think the visor is actually wider. Very slight wind whistle if I turn my head to the right and slightly down, but I can live with it (think its coming from the roof vents)

Just a quick note for those unaware, like I wasn't....apparently J&S have a policy that if you drop one of their display helmets you have to pay for it ! or is this normal practice at bike shops ? they didn't have any signage saying this. I didn't drop it, it only came to light cos they only had the display one in blue, didn't fancy the red really, and he offered me the display one in a box...I said no thx, it may have been dropped.....and that's how the conversation came up, he never even offered to knock anything off I had a red one instead :)
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