Decisions decisions

3 Aug 2003
Plymouth, UK
Am currently using 3 x Dell 24" monitors and game at 5760 x 1080 but am contemplating going to a single 28" 4k screen

Has anyone else made the downside?

Am thinking I could do it for almost cost neutral with selling on the 24s

Main reasons are for power saving and also declutering if the added 4k shinyness. Gfx card is a 1070

Just now looking for a monitor to go with if I do make the decision
I run at 5760x1080 also on 3x24"' monitors and tbh after going and trying out some screens at a local shop, I think i would really miss having the real estate plus the immersion factor.

I think 28" is too small for 4k..

Ultra wide is going to be my choice soon, Z35P, X34A or similar

What games you playing at the moment ?
Mainly play EVE, elite dangerous, sniper and Tom Clancy

The lack of screen real estate is my main sticking point tbh
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