Decisions....keep crucial or G Skill

5 Mar 2006
At last I got my 2x1Gb PC4000 Ballistix replacements this weeks after five weeks of waiting! In that time I had bought a kit of the 2Gb G.Skill HZ. Currently I'm running at 250Mhz with a x2 3800 at 2.5 at timings 3,4,4,8...1:1. I know that the ballsitix may do higher speed and keep lower timings than the GSkill...but not sure what set to keep. I need to sell one of the kits to get my money back on one of them but dont want to go through any problems again with the Ballistix. Anyone know if these modules have improved over the last couple of months? What set would you keep????? :confused:

I would sell the Ballsitix stuff, the fail rate on theses things are poor, ive had 2 sets and changed to the normal Crucial kit now. Will sell soon for something better..
toxic said:
What set would you keep????? :confused:


I'd keep the G.Skill. I went from Ballistix to G.Skill awhile back (before the mass failures), never had any bother with the G.Skill stuff.
Don't listen to those two, keep the Ballistix. It's funny when idiots overclock and over volt their memory and when it ends in tears they blame it on the memory. I’ve had two sets of Ballistix and they have been bullet-proof. Incidentally use 3, 3, 3, 10, 1T timings at 250MHz for best performance.
McNutter said:
Don't listen to those two, keep the Ballistix. It's funny when idiots overclock and over volt their memory and when it ends in tears they blame it on the memory.

I hope your not calling me an idiot? :mad: It just so happened the RAM wouldn't even work at the suggest speed / timings. Funny that isn't it!
its well know all over the net that the ballistix 1gig sticks pc4000 are the most unreliable sticks of ram you can ever buy.
McNutter said:
Don't listen to those two, keep the Ballistix. It's funny when idiots overclock and over volt their memory and when it ends in tears they blame it on the memory. I’ve had two sets of Ballistix and they have been bullet-proof. Incidentally use 3, 3, 3, 10, 1T timings at 250MHz for best performance.

HAHAH dont call me a idiot, ive ran the ram the speed that Ballisitix tell your to, and it still FAILS!
Too much of a gamble to keep the ballistix, get rid of it. It might or might not fail, but its not exactly been the most reliable of memory, has it.
ahhhhhh...just like I thought. The Ballistix is going...** right....its juts causes headaches and hours of problem finding when it screwed up in the first place.
Anyone want to a buy a brand new set???? Brand New..Still In Sealed packageing....any takers :rolleyes:
Yeah get shot of the Ballistix.

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