Dedicated Ark console server...

13 Jan 2010
The 'Shire'
Maybe the wrong place to ask but I want to rent a server for Ark, does anyone have experience with anywhere other than Nitrado?

I have a PC I could use to host myself but my electric bill would be insane(more insane than it already is)

Any help would be much appreciated.
This is probably better in the Game section.
when i did a search there was g-portal/bisecthosting/gtxgaming(but seems pricy).
a few people on the forums have set up home servers/3rd party srvers so could possible better advise.
minimum hosting cost i saw was £15 effectively
Maybe the wrong place to ask but I want to rent a server for Ark, does anyone have experience with anywhere other than Nitrado?

I have a PC I could use to host myself but my electric bill would be insane(more insane than it already is)

Any help would be much appreciated.

So you think it would be cheaper to rent then pay the electric yourself? Not sure if serious
plus hosting externally protects the internal network and simplifies things. security no longer your issue, or the knowlege to set it all up with vpns ect.
regardless of electric bill. some times really convenienceis worth paying for :)

if you are self hosting no reason you cant shut server down when needed. i.e. between 1am to 5pm as an example.
and have it come back up when desired. would slow passive resource generation / groth but savve on electric ect
plus hosting externally protects the internal network and simplifies things. security no longer your issue, or the knowlege to set it all up with vpns ect.
regardless of electric bill. some times really convenienceis worth paying for :)

if you are self hosting no reason you cant shut server down when needed. i.e. between 1am to 5pm as an example.
and have it come back up when desired. would slow passive resource generation / groth but savve on electric ect
I caved and bought a nitrado server, tried to get it running on steamcmd but it wasn't playing ball.

I would have loved to have ran my own server but it would have needed to be on 24 hours due to my mates getting addicted and playing all hours.
There is an Ark Docker, just checked in my unRAID server..

In terms of electricity, it's easily worked out.. My entire unRAID server with 34TB of main storage (48TB RAW) + 10TB of ad-hoc storage, with loads of dockers running and doing everything averages out at 80W at the wall, which is £11.67 a month in electricity.

If I used just one of the intel 11th gen mini-PCs I've got, they are 18W average, £2.63 a month of electricity..
There is an Ark Docker, just checked in my unRAID server..

In terms of electricity, it's easily worked out.. My entire unRAID server with 34TB of main storage (48TB RAW) + 10TB of ad-hoc storage, with loads of dockers running and doing everything averages out at 80W at the wall, which is £11.67 a month in electricity.

If I used just one of the intel 11th gen mini-PCs I've got, they are 18W average, £2.63 a month of electricity..

So like I already said lol, it won't cost more in electric, vs rent
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