Dedicated Ebook readers...anyone got any experience with them?

17 Oct 2002
Panting like a fiend
Not 100% sure what section to put this one in, as it might fit in books, GH or even mobiles:p

Has anyone got one/tried a proper ebook reader yet?
I'm starting to look at possibly getting one as the number of free ebooks seems to be increasing (Baan, Tor, Gutenburg etc all offer some/many free), and it seems more and more normal books are coming in an ebook format as an option, and as i'm starting to run low on room it makes a certain amount of sense.

So, has anyone tried/got a dedicated ebook reader yet, and if so what do you think of it?
I'd forgotten i'd posted this thread until I just did a search for ebooks:p (the joys of posting when knackered).

Thanks for the replies guys, I think i'm going to get a PRS-505, as I had a look at one in waterstones in Milton Keynes the other day and was very impressed with it, as was my dad and younger brother (both were with me at the time).

I'm tempted to wait for the 700, but as it took about 2 years for the 505 to get here, i'm not betting on the newer model making it over any faster.
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