Dedicated Music Room

25 Oct 2016
I've recently moved house ( 10 weeks ago) and along with a planned new kitchen and cinema room thought I would make a dedicated music room , the progress so far .........

( the fire is electric so no heat )






and the record storage is Ikea Kallax built into a stud wall


loving this fella nice and loving the turntable on it's own pride of place... what is the turntable? What gear you running?

hi sorry for the slow reply

The TT is a 1972 Thorens TD160 (absolutely love it!)

the speakers are Bowen and Wilkins 603

The amp is a low budget Onkyo 910 (will be replaced with a Rotel Ra 12)

Marantz CD and tape players
hi sorry for the slow reply

The TT is a 1972 Thorens TD160 (absolutely love it!)

the speakers are Bowen and Wilkins 603

The amp is a low budget Onkyo 910 (will be replaced with a Rotel Ra 12)

Marantz CD and tape players
Very nice mate... very very nice... can imagine that turn table being worth a little bit now... sweet as. And those speakers, very nice, a friend of mine has B&W and swears by them, never owned but I know those you've got get race reviews! Nice setup that is old school and new school!
hi sorry for the slow reply

The TT is a 1972 Thorens TD160 (absolutely love it!)

the speakers are Bowen and Wilkins 603

The amp is a low budget Onkyo 910 (will be replaced with a Rotel Ra 12)

Marantz CD and tape players

I was going to say, that TT deserves a better amp!

I'm thinking about placement of my gear in the new living room, but so need the TV up on the wall first.

Think I am going to custom build the record storage and amp/TT placing.
Great room. I think I would have spent a bit on room treatment if I had the luxury of a dedicated hifi room though.

Love the TD160, I had one many moons ago. Needs a bit of tweaking and set up but a very capable turntable.
thanks fellas

regarding room treatment it unfortunately has a suspended floor so i'd be stuffed anyway , but if i'm honest it sounds good as it is :)
It looks absolutely spot on tbh, there's nothing quite like selecting a bit of vinyl to play and sitting down in a comfy chair with a glass of something strong in a proper music room.
radiator went in yesterday carpet fitter has just dropped my keys back , so ill be putting my speakers in tonight and sitting on the floor (damn you soffology)having a large JD
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