Dedicated Photo Printers.

26 Feb 2004
Hampshire, England.
Hey guys,

My Mum’s on at me for direct-photo printer?

Something along the lines of this

I don’t want to have to start giving her lessons on how to use it, so I need something simple :)

The current method of using the computer before she prints, is wasting time and paper/ink :mad:

Ideally I would like it to be as simple as putting the card in and pressing print – does such a printer exist?

What can you recommend me? The higher the quality, the better.

But if you can recommend me a range that would be cool, I like a bit of choice ;)


I use a canon selphy thing. Cant remember the model number, it was one of the better ones though.

Quality is really good and its super simple to use. Just plug a memory card in, select which picture you want to print on the screen and press print! Works out about 21p per print after you've brought the printer.
The Canon Selphy's are good, but with anything like that you supplement the function and gimmick of the technology for performance. Spending about £50 on any Canon/HP should see you fine if its just your mum wanting a nice set of 6 x 4's for an album.
I would recommend the Canon Selphys (I think Samsung and Sony do similar ones) as well. They are dye-sub printers so prints are more like ones from photo labs. Printers made by HP and Epson are inkjet based, while giving excellent results are less likely to be water resistant.
Another vote for the dye sublimation models.

PS: I actually went and bought an A4 dye-sub printer (Olympus P-440). It's not as easy to get punchy colours as inkjet, but the speed of that thing, and the quality of the actual print is excellent. And the monochromes are less likely to have casts than inkjets. On the downside, you can only use one paper, the lab-like one, so I ended up getting an Epson R300 for fine art and textured papers.
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This might be way off the mark but I would recommend the Epson R300 with the additional little screen and the integrated card reader - Gives some stunning prints and I know a couple of people that use it as a stand alone photo printer and have used it myself at a wedding to fire off a few prints during the reception.

You arent stuck to 6x4 prints and its a pretty cheap printer (though the additional screen can cost a bit sometimes :( ) Oh and it handles none Epson ink pretty well.

Anyway just my 2p worth :D
sam.wheale said:
Okay guys - had a look and...

Seems to sound quite good ;)

I've seen it for about £120, which doesn't seem too bad, seeing as though I'm not paying :p

Can't find any reviews anywhere though?

Any ideas :)


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There are loads more via google..

There is one thing I HATE about them in a way, the are small which is good but they use stupid little cartridges that cant be refilled and come with paper so you cant use your own better/cheaper stuff unless you waste theirs and its quiet expensive..

I was going to get one of these but then 10p (vs that coss 25pish) or less each I just goto tesco and get them done while shopping and if i need any asap then use the normal printer tbh :(

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