Hi all
I am looking for a build for deep learning and trying to find the best GPU for the job. Budget 1k.
Someone told me go for a 1700x, 32GB Ram and maybe a 2nd hand 1080/ti?
I haven't bought PC components since AMD K2 overclocking days lol so need some help. Mobo/ram/psu?
Are there any decent OC per-built systems or better to get components seperate?
I am looking for a build for deep learning and trying to find the best GPU for the job. Budget 1k.
Someone told me go for a 1700x, 32GB Ram and maybe a 2nd hand 1080/ti?
I haven't bought PC components since AMD K2 overclocking days lol so need some help. Mobo/ram/psu?
Are there any decent OC per-built systems or better to get components seperate?