Deep Purple

22 May 2003
Just a YAY post, the girlfriend got me two tickets to see Deep Purple 22nd of April at the MEN arena! :D

Really wanted to see Rush but missed their R30 tour :(
Berger said:
Just a YAY post, the girlfriend got me two tickets to see Deep Purple 22nd of April at the MEN arena! :D

Really wanted to see Rush but missed their R30 tour :(

Don't worry, Rush should be announcing a tour any day now. ;)

Enjoy Purple though. :)
I have some great memories of Deep Purple but the last twenty years isn't any of them. They really are poor now and should be put out to pasture. You really don't want to watch a bunch of pensioners going through the ropes. I've read that STYX may be supporting which is a much better act but only if Denis De Young is with them.
You'll really enjoy the gig! I'm glad they are still going strong, even if they aren't what they used to be, because it gives the younger generations (including myself!) to see these guys in action.

I saw them on their last arena tour (with Thunder and Peter Frampton) and really enjoyed it, but I much preferred their festival appearance at Monsters of Rock last year. Either way, you'll have a great time!

Enjoy the gig! :)
The problem of course is "Which Deep Purple are you seeing?"
As you are aware the Purple family tree is vast and the line-up although always impressive varies an awful lot.

I heard they were touring again last year and I was going to pull out all of the stops to go and see them - I last saw them when they released the "Purpendicular" Album a while ago.
The line-up is good, certainly one of the better ones - but not quite classic Purple with major names missing.
So in the end I didn't get tickets for this particular tour.
If I remember correctly the line-up for this tour is:

Ian Gillan
Roger Glover
Steve Morse
Ian Paice
Don Airey

Not a bad combination - but could have been just that little better :)
I was sitting round a table on sat night with some old rockers and one of them had a full tattoo of Blackmore on his back. We talked about Purple at length and how crap they are now. I've got DVD bootlegs from the last 3 years and they're awful even though they contain Steve Morse who helps to lift them up. You can see why Blackmore had to leave and its wonderful seeing him smiling again.
Go and watch them and enjoy them but after go and buy the Live In Denmark DVD from 1972 (I saw them on that tour).
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