
Man of Honour
29 Mar 2003
Stoke on Trent
Watching GMB this morning and I thought this was quite concerning for the future.
Would I have been duped?
Perhaps not because as soon as cash was mentioned I'd be out of there because I'm tight.
Also it's a 77 year old woman falling in love with what looks like a very pretty 30 year old - red flag.

Would I have spotted that was a deep fake video?
Probably not to be honest.

Anyway, decide for yourself.
There was a funny moment because the woman wouldn't stop talking but apparently she lost her earpiece so couldn't hear Ed telling her to shut up.

Equally concerning is the use of AI to replicate people's voice.

Every now and then I'll see videos come up like eg "What if xxxx sang xxxx?" and it does sound very close to the singer doing that song.

Before the Election last year Channel 4 ran a documentary called Can AI Steal Your Vote?
It's on You Tube and worth a watch especially the Stephen Fry bit where he promotes both parties but it isn't him, he gave CH4 permission to do it.

The worst one I personally know of involved my ex Sound Man's Mum and she also lived next door to him.
She knocked on his door and asked him why he was asking for another £15,000.
He said what do you mean another £15,000?
She said that she had already sent him the money by bank transfer and now 2 hours later he wants more.
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