Default Programs in Winodws 2k

Hi there,

I think you go to the control panel and then "Add or remove programs".

You should see the "Set program access and defaults" button on the left hand side.

Use the 'Set Program and Access Defaults' (or similar) option in Control Panel - Add Remove Programs.

Thats if its not already on your start menu.

You can hide things like 'Internet Exploder' and 'Outlook Distress' from there. ;)
Hi there,

How would I set the default DVD program to media player classic so that when a DVD is put in it automatically opens Media Player Classic.

Right click on the DVD file and select 'Open with'

Browse to 'Media Player Classic' or 'Mplayerc.exe' as its called and tick the 'always use selected program.......' box.
Hi there,

That doesn't work. When I put in a DVD is still trys to open with a differnt program and because there is no codec it can't play.

Is there no way to get around this?

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