Defcon Bundle or Germanium Full build

31 Jan 2012
Hi Guys

I'm currently trying to decide between these two options and could use some of you opinions:

or the;i4

  • What pros and cons would there be to getting one over the other in your opinion?
  • How hard exactly are the bundles to install?
  • Do the bundles come with the same warranty if I say, add a new GFX card or more RAM?
  • Does the Buy now Pay later finance only go to £2500 or am I reading it wrong?

Id save around £2-300 getting the bundle as Id still have to buy a 1080ti and a new SSD at a later date.
And as much as I like building new machines, a busy work schedule and the convenience of getting a great full build 'relatively hassle free' (fingers crossed) is slightly more appealing.

However just last year I got this case:

and this PSU

Which would be a bit of a waste if I got the Germanium full build. But I would have a decent spare PC at hand if needed I suppose, and I'm unsure if the bundle would fit inside that case.

Sorry for the convoluted wall of text, any opinions would be appreciated though thanks guys!
Thanks Tom!

Yea they look pretty much the same specs as what I was getting, I only really want a motherboard thats stable and has is lots of USB power as I connect a lot of instruments and music gear.
I did look at OC did general custom builds too but not sure how to select a CoffeLake one . I'll take another look.
Yea I forgot why I got that OT PSU!? I think maybe as I got a Vive and was worried about power!?
I too hate doing finance so I may save and wait till new year.

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