Hi all, I'm not good with law but maybe someone here is
Basically I run a website which allows people to leave comments too. Someone left a comment on my website with the name of "James" and the comment "I am the only gay in this villaaage". Quoting little Britain! No full names, addresses, etc - thats it.
Now, just so happens a Team Leader at work is called James. He was on the site today and raised a complaint with HR and Management after seeing it as he said it referred to him. He isnt gay mind you and the comment didnt even point to him. Looking at the logs it wasnt even posted by someone from the office at all!
The end result is my site has been banned from anyone in the company accessing it and I feel like a criminal over it all!
The website isnt hosted by my work place, wasnt made in their time and has nothing to do with them! It is run by me and a mate out of work as a fun site. Nothing dodgy or bad about it at all!
Where do I stand as a result of this? Everyone in the company now knows the site is banned and I believe this to be completely unfair and people are talking about it. Not to mention the fact that management may think the worse of me now.
Can I sue for deformation of character considering the comment had no relation to James and the site is nothing to do with work? Its at the point now that I dont want to go back into the office
He went to HR and management first before even mentioning anything about the comment to me (I havent been in work all week as im on hols). As soon as he did mention it when I came onto MSN I removed it out of courtesy for him, before discovering he had gone to HR and there was an email from them awaiting me
Any advice? My belief is that he totally over-reacted and has ruined my image at work as a concequence of it. He is usually an a** of a Team Leader and has gone too far this time.

Basically I run a website which allows people to leave comments too. Someone left a comment on my website with the name of "James" and the comment "I am the only gay in this villaaage". Quoting little Britain! No full names, addresses, etc - thats it.
Now, just so happens a Team Leader at work is called James. He was on the site today and raised a complaint with HR and Management after seeing it as he said it referred to him. He isnt gay mind you and the comment didnt even point to him. Looking at the logs it wasnt even posted by someone from the office at all!
The end result is my site has been banned from anyone in the company accessing it and I feel like a criminal over it all!
The website isnt hosted by my work place, wasnt made in their time and has nothing to do with them! It is run by me and a mate out of work as a fun site. Nothing dodgy or bad about it at all!
Where do I stand as a result of this? Everyone in the company now knows the site is banned and I believe this to be completely unfair and people are talking about it. Not to mention the fact that management may think the worse of me now.
Can I sue for deformation of character considering the comment had no relation to James and the site is nothing to do with work? Its at the point now that I dont want to go back into the office

Any advice? My belief is that he totally over-reacted and has ruined my image at work as a concequence of it. He is usually an a** of a Team Leader and has gone too far this time.