Delayed shipping - When to call it a day?

1 Dec 2006
Amsterdam, NL
Looking for a bit of advice, I ordered 3x Burson Audio v6 op-amps direct from them back on the 30th March. The shipment confirmation came through within a day and several weeks later, it never moved from departing Singapore. To this day it's still stuck in Singapore. I did pay $18 extra for express posting.

I started communications with the company and expressed concern to which they told me that Singapore Post is having some issues and they will get an update. Fast forward another week (last week) I had lost my patience and asked for a refund as it was clear the package had been lost in Sinapore Post (the package is no bigger than a few lego blocks for reference).

Eventually they simply said they had sent out another package but this time with FedEx Express (as per my original order) which was back on Thursday last week with FedEx stating a expected delivery date to me (here in California) for today at 1030 am. It's now Monday, 0820 and according to the tracking they have yet to even receive the package because it's still only in the stage of shipping information received.

Unless FedEx have teleportation potential to get this envelope to me from Singapore within 2 hours, It's just not going to happen. It's currently midday over there so surely it must have been updated their side by now.

I did order through my credit card, at this point, if by the end of today no update on either of the tracking items. I'm seriously tempted to just charge back and cut all communications.

The company is Aus based but operate out of Hong Kong, they have great reputation and the person I've been speaking with is super reasonable and understanding.

With Covid being the thing at the moment, I've been fairly happy to give this some leniency, but when is it enough? I feel as throw I've just thrown $180 down the drain.

What would you do?
Depends if you can source them elsewhere
And at roughly the same price
And how quickly would somewhere else get them to you

Already checked, they are more of a made by order sort of thing it seems. There are some listings on ebay either from Germany but it would be a lot more expensive as the order directly from the company is for a package of 3 from a special, where as normally they come in a pair. Basically, if I find another place to order from, they are very likely to be second hand and about $50-$60 more at minimum.

And as far as I can tell, there is zero availability in the US. They are a specialist item.
Not good then
I would be asking for some sort of good will gesture because of the delay
Very least they should do is refund your
Postage costs

Aye, the good will gesture at this time is them sending the second order with good faith that I will return the original order if they ever show up.
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