There's options out there that are 144/1440p for sub 300. but supply kinda feels limited right now (with everything going on)
If you're ok with what you've got then why not wait 12 months and see what comes up.
hell, stick £10 in the bank each month and next year you'll have £400 to spend lol
Zero sense to pay Nvidia tax to get ball and chain into your ankle for paying Nvidia brand overprices also in future graphics cards.
FreeSync works with all current cards and also coming discrete GPUs of Intel.
And £300 is way too much for that medieval 1920x1080, which is masochism for even web browsing, because of not fitting much anything on screen without scrolling.

Here's VA panel for £280
And IPs for precisely that £300
Though don't remember when I've seen those last time in stock, so you might have to wait for some time after ordering.

If you prefer dimmer or darkened room, then VA's way highest contrast of LCDs gives the best looking image.
But except for one or two very new Samsung panels, VAs have response time challenges in some transitions, which IPS don't have making IPS better choise for normally lighted room.
You want 1440p at 27" screen size IMO, 1080p will look pixelated AF and 4k is a waste. 970 will not cut it at 1440p, memory is too low for a start, save your bones; new graphics cards are due to hit soon.

However, the Dell is a great monitor and it would do you well for general purpose usage until such a time you can put in a new graphics card.

For reference, I just ran Shadow of Tomb Raider benchmark with everything maxed on a 5700XT and only hit 75fps average. Had a 970 prior and the performance is night and day.

EDIT: If you cant afford 350-400 for an IPS screen then save some more, your eyes will thank you
Thanks all for the confirmation of what I was already thinking which was...

It would be better to make the small extra leap to 1440p for longevity of a nice monitor. But no, the 970 won't really be up to it.

It's not like I won't be able to game on a 1440p monitor with the 970, just can't expect it to keep up with AAA titles.

you can always just have the game running at 1080p until you get a better card.
My spec is in my sig, I recently got a similar monitor, a dell S2721DGF 165hz.

I was happily playing metro exodus over the weekend, albeit with it set to 120hz @ 1440, with the game on 'high' defaults rather than 'ultra'. Haven't tried any other settings yet. Couldn't tell you the frame rates as I was too busy playing. I thought My system would handle it worse, or maybe that's the freesync doing its thing, dunno, but it's fine.
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