Newbie here!
I just wanted some advice on a problem I have.
I very recently started a new job, this will be my second week. I already know that it's not for me, my gutis telling me it's just not right. Plus, I am a carer for my Mum, and with the new job, the hours aren't really suitable (I thought I could manage but it's turning out I can't). It's also quite a distance away from home so, because my Mum struggles with mental illness, I think she is starting to feel isolated and panicky that I'm not close by, as I have been in previous jobs, which in turn, is a worry for me.
I have seen another job advertised which is much closer to the field I'm interested in (at the moment I'm in customer services). This other job is also much closer to home (10 minute drive as opposed to the 45min drive I'm currently facing) and offers 3 days working from home.
I'm still in my probationary period with the customer service job, so would it be stupid of me to apply for the other job?
If I were to apply, I'm unsure how I go about it. Do I tell my employer I'm applying? Should I wait to see if I get an interview first? Should I mention in the interview I'm leaving a job after only a few weeks?
As I wouldn't know either employer that well, I don't know how comfortable I'd feel speaking about my Mum's problems, and I don't want to sound like I'm playing for sympathy in an interview by bringing it up either.
I don't know what to do for the best. I feel like I jumped into this job without really thinking, because I'd been without a job and money for a while due to Covid and I'd have a few prior rejections.
Also, the job I'm currently in isn't the one I actually applied for. I applied for a whole different position (a more artistic/creative role) but I failed the interview, so my CV was passed to the customer service department and I was called and asked if I'd be interested in that role instead; without really much thought, I said yes.
So yeah, bit of a situation I'm in right now.
Apologies for the essay, and thanks in advance! Any advice appreciated.
(Sorry if I've posted in the wrong section, I'm still figuring this thing out)