crap mate, have a collegue with it and my mum similar. Personally I am a HUGE gamer and i work in IT. So i am trying to be as careful as i can be. with regards to rollerball the logitec one was quite good and comfortable. It looked like a palm/foot print with a ball in the top left (for right handed ppl) guess that description is not much help :S
I've used a Logitech TrackMan Wheel at work for over 3 years now.

They're easy to use and very comfortable (although it did make my thumb ache for the first couple of days till I got used to it :D ).
smoove said:
Does anyone know a good couple of rollerball mice of hand? Im getting RSI and need something abit easier on the wrist.

I've got a silver advent mouse that came with my dads pc and my other pc and it's very nice. nice and responsive etc.

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