Evidently there are less legal ways to get games working without the cd in the drive but we can't discuss them here.

I think D2 needed a cd but I can't remember.
I believe there's a way to do it with Total Annihilation.

And maybe Starcraft, you can install a "multiplayer spawn" file which allows you to play MP on many machines with one copy.

Not sure how it's done though, need to look in the manual.
RA and RA2 have two discs so you can use the same copy on both I think as long as it's only a LAN game. I'm not completely sure it's actually legal to do that but it seems to me that the devs intended it to be that way.
Most C&C games ( not generals iirc but that doesn't count anyway), StarCraft and Total annihilation can be playe dmultiplayer with only one copy :)
UT2004 works on two different PC's... although doesn't always work... somtimes one PC can't see the other, or the server mysteriously disappears... although i think it may just be an issue with my network (which i can't fix... nobody can seem to solve it :-/)
If you get the version of Battlefield Vietnam that comes with 3 CD's you can use any of them as a play disc, I think the same goes for BF42, there are also loads of demos of games that you could play on a LAN. I think UT 2004 has to be patched to quite a recent version for it not to need the CD in the drive.
Jack Bauer said:
Is it illegal to use certain cracks to get round using a CD/DVD. I would assume as long as you own the game what you do with it short of copying is up to you. After all a modification is illegal so why not that?

Please delete if this is a no go topic

It is illegal as it bypasses the copy protection on the game.
You can play COD, COD:UO and I think Q3 on a lan with the same key. Of course PB has to be turned off. COD and COD:UO do not require the disc for mp, not sure about Q3.
Davey_Pitch said:
It is illegal as it bypasses the copy protection on the game.

No it's not. We don't live in the USA and we have fair use rules. It may be against the publsher t&c's but they don't matter here,
Duke nukem 3D. that OWNZ lan :p i loved owning people on that. Great fun. My mate also had this add on where you could make super pipe bombs and stuff, they were like nukes XD
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