Hi, have a look at the connectors coming from the front switches/LED and read what is on them, like PWR Switch, reset, HD Led, PWR LED, etc. Look at the black plugs and see where the little arrow/triangle is on them to indicate positive. Follow this guide as it might help you:

Diagram of connectors

find the power switch and connect onto the red section of the connectors
find the reset switch and connect onto the green section of the connectors
find the HDD LED and connect onto the blue section of the connectors
find the speaker and connect onto the amber section of the connectors

Now either look at the manual or read the writing by the connector on the mobo and read them and it will say which pins are used for which purpose and also which the positive pin is. Then connect it lining up the arrow/triangle to the + sign above the pin.

Hope this helps.

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Hi, you have turned the switch on at the back of the PSU if it has ones that is, as if you are not getting nothing from the switch then something is amiss Does the fans spin up or no life whatsoever.

Also, just to rule out a possible switch, try using the reset switch connected to the PWR Switch to make sure it is not the switch. Also check that the cmos jumper is in the correct position according to the manual, as this can cause no booting.

Or try another PSU in case the PSU is not working or maybe you have dead mobo, as I had that on my chaintech board, it shorted out and then no life of fans or nothing spinning up.
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