Peerguardian is still going strong and I haven't heard of any talk about it ceasing in a few days.

There's no mention of it at phonexlabs so where did you hear about the cease?

EDIT: Updates? Do you mean blocklist updates?

If so, you have to monitor the lists now and again as servers change meaning you find other blocklist hosting servers to get updates from.
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Scream said:
Peerguardian is still going strong and I haven't heard of any talk about it ceasing in a few days.

There's no mention of it at phonexlabs so where did you hear about the cease?

Quite a big mention actually! (to the casual observer)
Its a bloody good job its an aprils fool cause it wouldn't surprise me if Symantec did do such a thing for money talks.

I nearly cried when I read the post until I saw it was an april fool come late. :p
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