You should set the pfsense WAN IP as a static IP, your router will need to forward WAN traffic to it.

By default (or it did?) pfsense uses the WAN interface as the Web GUI interface, you need tell it to use the LAN interface. That’s why once you change your IP of your workstation you will lose access to the pfsense Web GUI.

You need to either forward all your TCPIP ports from your router to pfsense or turn you router into a cable modem connected to pfsense or set your pfsense as DMZ server in your router config.

If you motherboard NIC supports VLANs you could create a VLAN connection to your ESX server. It’s like having a virtual NIC that sits on a different subnet. In your ESX server you would also setup a corresponding VLAN connection.

You will need to set pfsense as DHCP server on the LAN interface too, setting the DHCP default gateway as the pfsense LAN IP.

To use wireless routing from pfsense you can use either a USB wireless dongle and let ESX pass though the USB connection to pfsense. Or add a wireless PCI card and use ESX PCI pass-through (only certain motherboards support ESX PCI pass-through!!!). Pfsense is based on a cut down version of FreeBSD, and it has a limited support for Wireless USB and PCI adaptors. So chose carefully!

Pfsense is very popular and there are lots of how to videos on Youtube, if you need more help.
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