Delivery from OCUK?

13 Jan 2003
Just a quick question.

I placed an order today at 4.08pm and was wondering what the latest cut off time for next day as I have not had an email regarding shipping details :confused:
I've previously ordered from OCUK at nearly 4.30pm and had it delivered next day.

The reason I ask this is I've put my work address for the delivery thinking it will be with me tomorrow, if it doesn't come tomorrow I'm in trouble as I'm not at work all next week and have to build this computer by Sunday. :eek:
bbreezeuk said:
if u havent had an email saying they have despatched the goods then you have to wait till monday

Damn, I'm not at work monday for a week.

Do you know if I can actually get it changed to be delivered Saturday at my home address?
Nogimmix said:
Damn, I'm not at work monday for a week.

Do you know if I can actually get it changed to be delivered Saturday at my home address?

Not likely, you could just go to your workplace and pick it up.
If they havent given the goods to the delivery company then you might be able to webnote them and ask for Royal Mail next day.
I cannot go to my work address during my week off as I'm actually out of the country and I also need the items as the system has to be built by Sunday for a family member.

I've sent a webnote, hopefully Citylink has not collected it yet, which I'm sure they haven't.
You may have more luck phoning them, then again as well all know ocuk's phone system isnt exactly fantastic, to put it mildly.
Energize said:
You may have more luck phoning them, then again as well all know ocuk's phone system isnt exactly fantastic, to put it mildly.

I've used the webnote system before and ocuk responded quickly. I'll try to phone them in the morning and hopefully I'll get through ;)

I'm very surprised it wasn't shipped today though! :(
nikebee said:
if you haven't had the dispatched email, then its doubtful its been sent...

ironically i bought a Logitech MOMO steering wheel today off OcUK,

looks like they rushed it before they closed :D

Makes me feel a whole lot better :mad:

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