Delivery time slots (how Accurate are they)

19 Oct 2002
Torbay, Devon, UK
Delivery time slots (how Accurate are they)

20 Apr 2010 10:09 Exeter On vehicle for delivery
The estimated time of arrival is between 17:55 - 18:55

I need to know if I go out will they be early. lol
The last two I had were both within the one hour slot.

On one of them the driver pulled up 10 minutes early but didn't deliver until the start of the time window (could have been having lunch though :))
I think the problem is that the standard of service will all couriers depends so much on the delivery depot and the driver.

I've had both poor and great service receiving parcels from one courier and the main factor turned out to be delivering on a Friday, when there usual driver didn't work and the relief driver just listed my address as non one in so he could probably get home early. I just avoided Friday deliveries after that (and reported the issue)
Based on my experience pretty accurate.

I had 3 deliverys recently and all of them arrived with 10 mins of each other on different days
Went to collect the kids from school @ 2:45pm. And sat at the traffic light to wait to turn on to the main road. And what went passed the DPD van. lol I thought hang on you have just driven pass my house.

Well strange.
Had a delivery from DPD today, and as usual it was bang in the middle of the expected delivery time.

Have had a few deliveries from them in the last few weeks and they have all been accurate.
Had two deliveries recently first was spot on the the start of the hour time slot and second was within ten minutes of it, massively impressed as I planned waiting in the whole day due to experiances that have taught me to not beleive delivery times :)
All of mine so far when I have had stuff ordered have been delivered within the hour slot. Touch wood that this continues.
I've been a victim of 'we called but you weren't in, so left a card' - they didn't call and didn't leave a card : (
Was completely unable to get hold of anyone at DPD, but the guys at OcUK were helpful when I rang them, and they managed to get through on a line that DPD actually bother to answer - alas I'l have to wait for a re-delivery's hoping that DPD will turn up this time.
Currently I am sat here waiting for my devilery. It is ment to be between 11:40 and 12:40. I shall let you know if it was on time.
i've had stuff delivered from them twice recently. First they never gave me a time until I phoned them up but were slap bang int he middle of it, second was a before 10 on a Friday and he arrived at about 9.15

DPD are a pillar of glorious triumph compared to Home Delivery Network (who a competitor of OCUK use) who are beyond useless. One time they failed to turn up one day, then failed to turn up on the re-scheduled day. I ended up driving to their depot to get it myself and swearing at them a lot.
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