Dell 1730 tweaks?

26 Dec 2005
I recieved my dell 1730 yesterday, its an awesome bit of kit, but wondered whether it can be tweaked any. Can the twin 8800gtx's be overclocked or are they hardware locked in the dells?

Yes they can be overclocked, I use nvtune, rivatuner works too. take a look at the laptopdriver site too. I'm using 179.13 release and I have no problems.

Yes as above they tend to overclock really well. I just use ntune and it adds overclocking options to the nvidia control panel :) Run my 8800M GTX's at 650 Core 950 Memory no problems at all (stock 500/800). If you got the x9000 cpu you can also overclock the cpu in the bios has options for 3.0 3.2 and 3.4 Ghz.

I recieved my dell 1730 yesterday, its an awesome bit of kit, but wondered whether it can be tweaked any. Can the twin 8800gtx's be overclocked or are they hardware locked in the dells?

Yes you can overclock the GPU's. They are Nvidia G92 model chips, (the same as the desktop 8800GT, GTS and 9800GTX) but with some of the stream processors turned off and the clockspeed reduced to lower heat output and power consumption. That means they have a lot of overclocking headroom, provided you can stand the increased fan speeds when overclocking. Mine can overclock to 600 core/ 1400 shader/ 900 mem without a problem although I don't bother as they are fast enough at stock speeds. The cpu can't be overclocked unless it is the X9000.

One of the best tips I can give you is to remove all the rubbish that comes preinstalled (McAfee, Google desktop, Dell media player, Dell Support Center etc). In particlar, the media player loads a startup service called 'PCMService.exe' which caused a lot of pauses for me in Crysis.
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