Dell 2005w - Warranty

16 Aug 2005

I bought one of these from Overclockers about 3 months ago and very happy I am too with it except...

The power lead keeps buzing where it connects to the back of the monitor (it's loose and wobbles turning the monitor off and on). I've tried diffrent leads and all seem to be the same.

Is anyone else having this problem or is it just me ?

Also.. If I got this from overclockers how do I get dell to do an RMA on it and does their exchange policy cover monitors bought from here or just direct from them (I emailed Dell but they haven't replied or even acknowledged me.. hence my questions here) ?

Any help would be appreciated.


OCUK will tell you to go through Dell, my advice would be to contact Trading Standards and find out where you stand legally, who your contract is with in terms of replacing faulty goods. OCUK have a reputation that they would like to keep so if it is their legal responsibility to sort it out then I would pusue it through them. On the other hand customer service means nothing to Dell and their Bangalore call centre is an epitomy of uselessness, which is why I would avoid dealing with them if at all possible. I have taken Dell to small claims court becuase of their stupidity and even now after I have won my case they are dragging their heels over paying me so it looks like I'm going to have to send the bailiffs to their head office. This is no company to have any dealings with .............
Hi there

DELL do a perfectly good job. If you have a problem with a monitor you just contact them on their support number. Give them the work number which is located on the packaging which will allow them to recognise you as the customer. Once they have issued the RMA a courier will drop off a new monitor the following day and arrange to have the old one collected at a later date.

DELL have provided good service to many of our customers now so we can't really complain about their service levels. Afterall if they were so poor as some people make out then they would not be as big as they today would they?
MeatLoaf said:
What if youve chucked the packaging away?

A silly thing to do but if you have done so you need to call OcUK who can get you a reference number from our database and then DELL will get a courier out with a replacement monitor.
Heh - Like I said OCUK will tell you to go through Dell. I think you've already found out that they don't do a perfectly good job as they haven't even had the courtisy to acknowledge your emails. I gave up trying their phone number after 75 minutes of being kept on hold and as for giving them a number on the box they are still referring to me as Overclockers T/A Esnet which is why it took 90 days for my replacement to get to me. Dell may be big but they are rapidly loosing credibility with customers and if they continue to treat people like they do they will not be big for much longer.

If you choose to ignore my advice about confirming who your contract is with and decide to pursue this wih Dell then you have my comisserations but you may find the following addresses will get you some level of response;

[email protected]
[email protected]
I have just been through Dell hell, got a 2005fpw about ten days ago, bad backlight bleed, replaced with another bad backlight one and then got a third one. Yes you guessed right backlight bleed. Replacements going back and first rma'd and gone back for refund.
They are quick with replacements but its still the same problems, Indian call centre, you may as well speak to a brick. I have got though a direct dial number for one of the monitor support guys in Scotland and they are good and know the problems with bleed and also authorised reseller warranties if the warranty is in the companys name.
Slippery if you have any probs when speaking to them give us a shout and I will PM u the direct number I have, no waiting around on the phone or getting passed pillar to post in Banglador
Is there any chance I could have the number, I have tried the Dell Customer care route before and been on the phone in excess of 4 hours in total to get a decent 2405fpw. I've noticed it has started to develop backlight flickering when powering on, and if there is a quick way to get replacement that would be great.
Cant seem to be able to send you PM, its saying that I dont have priveladges. Have u allowed it in your profile
didnt read the faqs, I will give u the number here:

0870 3664033 (automated msg then) #22368 the blokes name is carl, I havnt tried this out myself but thats what he gave me. Hope it helps u
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