i have the 2001p and now this the 2405 and allso the 26inch 2600w and i prefer my 26inch dont get me wrong i think the 24inch is good but i prefer the lower res of the 26 and i like bigger text,my eyes seem to adjust better,ive just got to pickup the 37inch dell lcd on wedensday so im hoping i will keep this which means the other two the 2001p and the 2405 will be for sale,are you guys happy with your 2405,i find the white isnt that white but on my 26lcd its really got a good uniformaty of colour the 24inch just isnt that good and there is allmost like a haze over the screen like a a wafer thin film.maybe im to picky,but i suppose with having them all i can do some good tests and see which is the best for me