My Dell 2405FPW & 9 In 1 Card Reader is still causing me issues, I’ve downloaded the official drivers from the Dell site for my particular model. It installed itself correctly and everything seemed fine! I restarted my PC and to my surprise all my graphics drivers were gone, including my ForceWare drivers…the resolution had set itself to 800 x 600 and well it completely messed up my SLI system. I rolled back the drivers for the monitor, and reinstalled the ForceWare drivers from my graphics card CD. All seemed fine, so I restarted…it booted into windows, but I couldn’t see a thing, the resolution wasn’t set and all there was were lines across the screen, I could tell when a window or my mouse was moved because it’ll cause disruptions in the lines on the screen, so I went by memory to the properties control panel, and then to the display tab to change my current settings from 32bit to 16bit, and then lower the resolution back down to 800 x 600, it had for some reason set it’s self extremely high, even too high for the Dell.
Everything I had that related to my graphics drives were corrupted and my SLI wouldn’t work regardless of what I did.
In the end I had to reinstall windows…and this is not what you want when updating drivers from Dell really is it???
Is pathetic, I can guarantee it’s down to the drivers from Dell, because I installed them on another SLI system of mine and the same god damn error and corruptions occurred.
Oh and nothing has solved my 9 In 1 card reading issue…lol pulling my hair out “HELP”