Dell Inspiron adapter plug "centre pin" problem

27 Feb 2004
:mad: Dell seem to sell an £800 laptop with 2p worth of rubbish plug!

My daughter's Dell (Inspiron 6000) had stopped charging so she asked me to get it fixed (normal eh!).

I checked it out and on the Dell web site there is an FAQ problem highlighted about this - but the only solution seems to buy a new adaptor - for the sake of a pin 1mm x 5mm.

The "non-standard" co-axial power plug has a very small centre pin (looks like a wire!) which I assume senses the battery voltage). Without this - laptop works but no battery recharge!!!

Anybody know if you can "source" Dell power plugs?
Otherwise £43 rip-off.
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Get a generic PSU with the plug-in adaptors - the Purple shirts have them for half the Dell price. Also - try the auction site.
Well the sun is shining today! Had a "chat" session today with Dell and they eventually agreed to replace under warranty - hoorah. Will have to more careful with the "fragile" pin.

Three cheers to Dell chat line!
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