Dell Laptop Power Leak???



25 Oct 2004
Right I am using a Dell XPS 1710M gaming laptop. I had the battery pack taken out and was using it on my lap and I just felt an electric current running through me and passed it on to my girlfriend when her arm touched mine. :eek: It was bit painful but thank god it wasn't a big one.

It it not a static shock as it felt completely different. My muscle had a short spaz during which the current running through me.

There are metal panels below the laptop, could this be the case?

Will I die?


*UPDATE* It just happened again. the current ran from my leg through to my gf on her arm :eek:
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Puts a whole new perspective on interactive technology and virtual reality. it doesn't have an electrical build up and accelerate the optial drive to many times the speed of sound, right into your crotch ..when you fire the railgun in Q4 :p

At that kind of velocity the G-force would make a simple optical drive, in effect, weigh several tons or so I should think.
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