Dell MUMC (Dell 1920W UPS) - How to configure for remote VM shutdown for esxi node

19 Oct 2002
Auckland, New Zealand

I've finally rebuilt my rack and got my Dell 1920w UPS up and running. All working fine, except I now want to control my 3 vSphere hosts and their VMs in order to remote shutdown on % of battery used. Presently at full load I'll have around 30 minutes of protected time, but I'd like to eek that out further by shutting hosts down.

I've seen images on google: that that seem to show what I want but I can't find the settings anywhere in MUMC after adding my vSphere hosts in the virtualisation section of the settings area.

Has anyone used version 3 of the Dell MUMC software that can tell me how to do what the images show?

Thanks in advance.


Ok, so I think I got it sorted. Needed to add the servers directly and then utilise the new placement of that box in the image to add the username/password allowing access to the server.

Shame I can't control VMs directly from the UPS management card OR some form of plugin, but this will do for eeking out power and controlled shutdowns.
Thanks Caged, I think I got it sorted in the end. Very happy with my config now, have about 30 minutes of run time before they all need to shut down so great for the poor power quality and often cuts we get here in NZ!

Plenty of scope for expansion, both batteries and additional hosts!
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