Intel-AMD duopoly is a long way off
While AMD's Ryzen chips are rather good, Dell EMC is not particularly interested and will remain loyal to Chipzilla.
According to Channel Pro,while Dell EMC has integrated AMD processors into workstations, all-in-one devices and even servers, its CTO, John Roese, said that these products would be an exception within Dell’s lineup, and the company won't offer large numbers of AMD-powered machines any time soon.
“Intel is the big player, AMD is the second player. There's enough diversity between them that there are use cases to have them both in our portfolio, but just the sheer breadth of the Intel processor portfolio is massive compared to even the accelerated AMD world.”
According to Roese, while AMD still absolutely has a place in the processor market, the number of different models offered by Intel means that there is little value in producing an AMD-powered variant of every product in its portfolio.
“AMD is doing some interesting things, and by adding them to the portfolio, we pick up a few extra areas. But let's be clear: there is a huge, dominant player in computing semiconductors, and then there is a challenger who is doing some good innovative work called AMD, but the gap between them is quite large regarding market share and use-cases. So our portfolio is not going to change in any meaningful way. Don't expect it to be a duopoly anytime soon.”
That is slightly depressing news, it means that no matter if AMD produces really good chips, Dell EMC will always shovel coal for Intel.
from fudzilla - AMD's Ryzen not for a Dell
You just have to look at the top members comment to get the picture lol.