Dell Studio 15 - Broken screen

20 Jun 2008
Half the screen on my laptop (Dell Studio 15) has completely broken. I accidentally sat on it over the weekend while the lid was down, now exactly half looks like this:


Now, the fact I sat on it makes me think it is a pressure issue, and I've damaged the screen. However, occasionally the left hand side of the screen (currently all white) will flicker back to normal - this suggests that it's sort of a connection problem doesn't it? Like I've pulled a wire connecting to different parts of the screen?

The middle part (black in the photo) changes colour occasionally too, sort of going back toward normal but with a hint of purple etc.

Also happens a lot when I move the the lid.

Now, I've found this -

But it doesn't seem to come with any of the connections.

As I have a suspicion it might be the connections and not the screen that is the issue, does anyone have any idea as to how I can test this?

Also I have read loads of reports about finding that replacement screens aren't compatible, any way I can check what exact screen model I need?

There'll be a part number on the back of the panel, have a look and buy a panel to match.

While you're stripping it down you should have the opportunity to check the cables.
Cheers, I'll have a look now.

My desktop computer (the hub of the house) has decided to pack in now too. So we have half a laptop display between the whole house. Sods law.
Actually, while I'm here, does anyone know how I can check if my laptop display is LCD or LED?

That seems to be pretty important when buying the part and I believe the product numbers match.
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