Dell studio config.

24 Mar 2004
Northern Ireland

I think im going to order a Dell studio later on tonight.

Does any have one with the resolutions 1280x800 or 1440x900? Will i notice a big differance in this, and what resolution would people tend to recomend?

Also, with regards to the processor, will there be a noticable benifit from a T6400 to a P8600?
On a 15" it has to be 1440x900, unless you want to play games then there would be some advantage in having a lower native resolution.
I have a 1280x800 screen and its great, esp as i game on it a little. Personally though I would get a 1440x900 screen. Just gives you a little more real estate as some would say. I myself would have gone for one but the laptop i wanted (one with 9600mGT) didn't ship with one.

What res have you got on your desktop? i only ask as you may be dissapointed/annoyed by how small you laptop screen res is if you have a 24inch screen for your normal pc, in which case go for 1440x900.
I've only a 17" monitor at the minute, with a 1280 x 1024 res. Desktops on its last legs, so ill unlikely use it when i get the laptop.
I bought to identical studios before Chistmas both were suposed to be 1280x800 but they sent me one with 1440x900 screen by mistake :D but tbh honest the 1280x800 is a very nice and crisp screen and we only notice a diffence when using windows in general as games are alomost identical.
Agreed - I ordered my Inspiron 1520 with the 1440x900 screen and its noticably better than other 15" WS notebooks with 1280x900
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